Uplevel your mindset, energetics and systems to magnetize your desires

Manifest your most aligned life and spiritual business 

Use your gifts to create or grow and online product and make sales on autopilot daily

This is the EXACT process I have used in my own life and with my clients to become a present and conscious mama, travel the world, and run a 7-figure successful online business that serves thousands 👇


Supercharge your life in the direction you want to go without constantly trying to figure it out with your mind alone and all the books, podcasts, supplements, cleanses or quick fixes.

Discover POWERFUL tools to reduce stress, feel holistically balanced and achieve your biggest goals and desires without working yourself into burn out.


✔ How to hone in on your passion and purpose with mastery and activate your magnetism and intuition to manifest with ease

✔ The EXACT blueprint we used to co-create a 10X biz revenue in alignment without hustle or burnout

✔ How to tap into the “all too common” blocks and mindset loops that are keeping you from expressing your gifts and co-creating with the universe in alignment

✔ AND... an invite to a special opportunity to work deeper, be mentored by us and have a chance for bonus gifts and offers



Britt is a mama of 2 and has been practicing and teaching Kundalini yoga for over a decade and is a speaker, author and intuitive. She went from working at a fortune 500 corporate job in advertising to working with celebrities in social media to becoming a spiritual leader, healer and a 7-FIGURE business and purpose coach.

Britt has faced a lot of darkness and shadows and has gone to rock bottoms, mentally and emotionally with addiction and the loss of her Mom to cancer.. Instead of letting it break her, she used Kundalini yoga and the method you’ll learn in this training to MANIFEST HER DREAM LIFE and look ahead at how better it gets to be.

She went from hustling, burning out, feeling overwhelmed and anxious to living with FREEDOM, becoming a present and abundant mama and having TIME for afternoon workouts or spa appts, trips around the world and generating nearly $2 million in revenue with her bestie business partner, Tara. During this training you will learn their EXACT strategies for getting your energy, mindset and business systems in alignment and set up to thrive.

This training is tailor-made for individuals committed to their personal and professional growth. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, Britt and Tara's 4-step method will empower you to implement their expansion process and take charge of your life. 

It is 100% FREE and a replay will be available for a limited time to anyone who signs up if you’re ready to level up and move forward in a big way.

"Living my best life.  I've made the most money I have ever made this year and took a vacation (or two) almost every month! I went to Mexico, Dallas, Florida, Idaho, Washington and Hawaii!  Thanks to my besties Britt and Tara and Elevate the Globe."- Alana

“Wow, this is truly amazing. I have never felt more understood and connected than I do listening to Britt and Tara speak and seeing the posts/interactions from you ladies. I just purchased the 21 day raise your vibration challenge and I am so excited to continue this practice every day. I feel like I may have found my tribe! Thanks for adding me and thank you for all the amazing energy!” - Alicia

“I realized to manifest more in my life, I’d have to first learn to ask for what I want. By doing Kundalini yoga and chakra work, I released some major blockages from my throat and heart chakras. I had no idea just how closed off to magic I’d become.” - Michelle

“Britt & Tara's backgrounds in marketing combined with their amazing intuitive capabilities made my 1:1 business coaching so much more than "productive." Understanding the energetic blockages that were preventing me from completely thriving has allowed me to uplevel as a holistic being, and THAT has made all the difference to my business. Additionally, they're just so much FUN to work with! If you're looking to go to the next level, I highly recommend adding B+T to your team!" - Kathryn

“Being a part of the sisterhood was so life-changing! When the universe first brought me to Britt and Tara, I was depressed and had very low energy. I felt stressed, weighed down, and wanted to hide. Within weeks this work supported me to release stagnant energy in my physical and energetic bodies. This work helped me raise my vibrational frequency so I can receive divine downloads, inspiration, and feel amazing while helping me rise above my obstacles with grace and love.” - Dawna

Meet Elevate the Globe

Hi, we’re Britt + Tara —co-founders of Elevate the Globe, certified Kundalini yoga and meditation instructors, reiki practitioners, and intuitive healers here to raise consciousness on the planet. We’re high-vibrational living experts who pair the energy work of Kundalini yoga with mindset training and cosmic syncing to help people align with their own truth and heal their energetic bodies.

The ideas, yogic postures, procedures, and suggestions in this online course/membership/in-person or digital retreat are not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice from a trained health professional. Before you begin any exercise or health program and before adopting the suggestions in this course, please always consult your physician, as well as about any condition that may require diagnosis or medical attention. The benefits attributed to the practice of Kundalini yoga and meditation stem from centuries-old yogic tradition. Results will vary with individuals. Elevate the Globe shall not be liable or responsible for any loss, injury or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestion in this online course/membership/in-person or digital retreat.